Friday, August 28, 2009

Studio potrait


Behind the door


THERE is a Chinese restaurant which is selling economic rice at Taman Sri Serdang, Seri Kembangan. The restaurant is located at a place called as ‘old flat’. The restaurant is doing their business from morning until 8pm at night. As I know, the main customers of the restaurant are mostly students from Universiti Putra Malaysia because of the strategic location. The students from UPM just need to walk about 5 minute to reach that place.

The outlook of the Chinese restaurant looks very clean and nice.

From the outlook of the restaurant, it looks very clean and nice. All the tableware is arranged nicely. The tables and chairs prepared for the customers also arrange uniformly. Furthermore, the outlook of the workers is also clean enough. Overall, the level of hygiene of this restaurant is qualified.

After we walk through this door, we will see the truth behind the door.

But, if we walk through the door and reach the kitchen, we will see the truth behind the door. At the kitchen which is the cooking place of the restaurant, we will see there was a drain beside the cooking place. Moreover, the flow of drain is stuck by rubbish. The drain is smelly and stinky. I think that’s no one will like to having their meal which cooks beside the area like this.

There is the real environment of the cooking place of this Chinese restaurant.

There are smelly and stinky drain and dumping garbage beside the cooking place.

In addition, we also can see that the garbage is dumping beside the raw materials of cooking. This is a serious problem that will affect our health. Just now, from the outlook of all the workers seem clean enough, but behind the door, the workers’ hygiene is totally disqualified. They didn’t wear cap and glove while cooking as mentioned by the Ministry of Health.

Thursday, August 13, 2009



HUJAN lebat yang diiringi dengan tiupan angin yang kuat telah terlanda di sekitar kawasan Serdang, Selangor pada hari Isnin yang lepas, iaitu 10hb Ogos, kira-kira pada pukul 4 petang.

Akibat daripada hujan yang lebat dan juga diiringi tiupan angin yang kuat telah menyebabkan berlakunya banyak kejadian kerosakan kemudahan-kemudahan awam. Antaranya termasuklah bumbung perhentian bas telah ditiup kerana tiupan angin yang kuat. Kejadian tersebut berlaku di perhentian bas yang berada di depan Fakulti Bahasa Moden dan Komunikasi, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
Bumbung perhentian bas ditiup akibat tiupan angin yang kuat pada hari Isnin yang lepas.

Kepingan bumbung yang rosak tersebut masih tersangkut di atas. Keadaan ini amat membimbangkan dan sangat berbahaya kerana keselamatan bagi para pelajar UPM yang menunggung bas di perhentian bas tersebut akan tergugat.

Kepingan bumbung masih yang tersangkut di atas mengugat keselamatan para pelajar UPM yang menunggung bas di perhentian bas tersebut.

Walau begitu, terdapat juga para pelajar yang tidak bimbang tentang keselamatan mereka langsung. Memandangkan kejadian tersebut telah berlaku selepas beberapa hari, tetapi masih tidak ada sebarang pembaikan dilakukan supaya dapat membaik pulih kemudahan awam ini. Jika hujan lebat kali yang kedua berlaku di kawasan tersebut, bumbung perhentian bas yang tidak diperbaiki itu mungkin akan mendatangkan bahaya kepada para pelajar UPM yang menunggung bas di perhentian bas tersebut.

Boleh kita bayangkan betapa kuat tiupan angin itu yang dapat menyebabkan kepingan bumbung itu ditiup menjadi keadaan seperti yang kita lihat.